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    Some Online Business Opportunities for Small Capital From Home

    Apr 15, 2022, April 15, 2022 WIB Last Updated 2022-11-07T15:25:11Z
    ilustrasi bisnis online

    As the development and progress of the times are increasingly fast. Especially the development of the world of technology. Makes us face to face with a new world that we must adapt to. For example, currently technological advances in the field of information have led to a new civilization that requires us to take part in it. Many entrepreneurs have moved to follow this. What used to do business offline has now started an online business.

    Well, this is a real example that we should still be looking for business opportunities and small profit big capital businesses to follow in their footsteps. There are many things we can follow. For example we already have an offline business at home, we can already start the business to immediately become an online business.

    Start by selling your products on the internet. Because the current market, has entered the online market, which means that it does not mean that the offline market does not exist, but it is good when both markets are both our target businesses. For that we provide a little information on some online business opportunities that might be able to adjust to the capital you have and your abilities and desires so far.

    1. Online Businesses Selling Other Products

    This business is a business that we think is the most profitable for online businesses. Why is that ? Because, there are so many things we can manage. Mainly is capital. Because, we do not really have to bother with material capital. You just need to increase your internet quota budget. During this time maybe 100k then now maybe 100k +. Or you can even run with interent quota capital as usual.

    Here, in running this business. You must really have an exclusive and appropriate target market. All you have to do is set a goal and determine that you can even use some online media that now has a lot of users.

    Now is the time for you to find a reseller or supplier that you can work with in running this online business. there are a lot of business people on the internet who also open space for us to work with them. For example

    •     Supplier.id
    •     Cakning.com
    •     idaff.com
    •     tokopedia.com
    •     bukalapak.com
    •     dropsipaja.com

    Now, from some of these service providers, you can choose to work with us. or even you can search apart from some of the providers above. Or you can also find suppliers that are offline around you. So you can start your online business. Save capital right?

    2. Businesses make articles or website content

    If you are a hobby of writing articles, of course you can start the hobby into an online business that will later bring and magnify your name in the world of interent or real world. Well, it turns out this writing service is included in the best-selling business in the country today. The reason can be seen from the start of the emergence of a blog / website which of course requires someone to fill their blog / website content.

    The intended content is content in the form of text, images and videos. However, in reality the content that is needed is mostly text content. If it is true that you like and have the ability to create and write an article, you can take advantage of this online business opportunity.

    Now, who are you dealing with, how can you offer and find your prospective clients? Maybe you can try some of the sites below to try to offer your services.

    •     Projects.com
    •     sribulancer.com
    •     sribu.com
    •     wm.ucweb.com

    3. Online businesses sell website / blog creation services

    This online business is perfect if you have the ability to code or want to learn regularly to build a website or blog page. Because you can start from making a web page / blog which you then present in such a way. As unique as possible and can follow the web / blog in general.

    Later this will be your online business opportunity, because you can sell your work to your clients offline or online. You can give values ​​according to the criteria they ask for. Of course this is a business that also falls into the hobies category.

    Out there there are many who have the will in running an online business using a personal website. But they don't have the ability to make and start it. But in terms of care maybe they can learn little by little. So the essence of this business is that you have the ability to build websites, but there may be a feeling lazy in filling the content. then this is also very suitable for you. Or in other words you can also offer in the making and filling of articles in the web / blog. Certainly profitable right?

    4. Online business / online business consulting services

    Hearing the word consultation will certainly lead us to the people in charge. for example psychologists, doctors and others. Now, are you in that field? If so, then this is the right business and business for you. You can open and offer services just as a consul who can help solve client problems online.

    If you have already started believing this will be a great online business. Nada can take advantage of the services you offer. Either directly from the client or you try to open a page or internet-based application which is then monetized with Google Adsense. Well, isn't this already included an online business and an online business that you can start from now on?

    5. Become a Professional Blogger for online Business

    If this one online business model surely almost anyone can do it. There are many bloggers who have fantastic income from blogs / websites that are built. I am personally very inspired by the success story of a blogger from the UK, where initially his WordPress blog related to social media eventually became a large site with income reaching more than four hundred thousand dollars per month.

    If converted to income, is four billion more per month. The name of the site is mashable.com, originally created with CMS WordPress.org but now it has been built with rubyonrails.org.

    Earnings from blogs can come from Google Adsense PPC (pay per click) programs, ad space, product reviews, and others. To be a blogger is certainly not a very difficult thing right? I myself at first did not really like writing and making articles, even at the beginning of making this blog, almost 6 months this blog has no content at all.




